How to transfer Buriedbornes saved game progress from PC to Mobile?

Buriedbornes is a Dungeon RPG game that is available for both PC and for your Android mobile phones.

There aren’t many Role Playing games available for gamers who prefer to play on Android compared to other Platforms like PC and Gaming consoles.

Buriebornes is available for PC as well as Android phones, They allow you the option to play this game using single save files.

This provides you the option to transfer your saved files from the Steam version to the mobile version.

And this post, we are going to talk about How to Transfer Buriedbornes Saved Game from PC to a Mobile phone.

How to Transfer Buriedbornes Saved Game from PC to Mobile phone

transfer Buriedbornes saved game progress from PC to Mobile

Buriebornes is one of the most hardcore roguelike RPG titles available.

Even tho it’s not popular as compared to other CRPGs, it’s still one of the most enjoyable games for true RPG fans.

Suggested: How to Transfer Steam games to another PC

The system requirement for it is also not very high, you can play this game on a low-end PC of yours.

Same with the mobile version as well, and for mobile users, this game is available for free (with some in-app purchases).

The premise of this game is simple you can create your own hero and fight against terrible monsters and ancient overlords in turn-based battles.

One of the most appealing features of this game is that this allows you to quickly transfer saved game data from steam to mobile and mobile to steam.

Save game for PC and Android is compatible and yet you don’t even need to transfer these files manually.

All you need to do is copy the backup code from the device from where you want to export to the device where you want to import saved files.

To simplify this process, here are the steps which you have to follow to in process to transfer saved files from PC to Mobile phone –

Step 1 – Copy the Transfer Code from the PC

First on your PC where you have installed this game, Launch BuriedBornes.

Navigate to the “Saved Data Manager screen”. You will find this option under the town menu.

Now hit the “Publish Backup code” option three.

You will see the transfer code there. You will need this transfer code to load the steam saved game on your phone.

Copy this code and paste it somewhere safe.

Step 2 – Paste the transfer code into the phone

Now launch Buriedbornes on your mobile phone and open the same option that we opened on PC – Save data management.

On the Save data management screen you have to click on the option “use backup code”.

You have to paste the transfer code we copied from the steam version of this game.

Once you paste the backup code there, you can proceed to download the data.

Step 3 – Overwrite the saved files on mobile

Once you download the data from the servers, the game will ask you to overwrite game data from your mobile phone.

At this stage, all of your previous save files, if you had any will be overwritten.

Once it completes you can load the save and resume the game from where you left it on your PC in the steam version.

I'm Rahul Bodana, Writer by day, YouTuber by night, coder when the coffee kicks in, and trader when I want to test the limits of my stress tolerance.

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